In my job i get to meet some really great people and sometimes the lather. I often don't feel like the may west and smiling is apart of my job but i can honestly say its easy for me. People are my inspiration and they make my job all the more interesting. It is my job to make sure the customer is getting the best service possible which i do to the best of my ability. I find there is always those certain customers who take the time to thank you and tell you how much you do for them. For instance yesterday a man told me that it was a pleasure for me to serve him. This may seem insignificant to some but i felt like he hit my heart with his words
Sometimes the simple things in life can mean the most to others and ourselves. Each person has an effect on the next. We don't always want to smile or feel like we can make a change, but all our actions bring about change. Some people just want to be served while others love to have a chat. I feel connected to my customers and feel like a have that bond with them. It is my pleasure to be as much apart of their lives as they are mine. I laugh and some times i feel like crying with what i hear. Children are so funny i have some great chats with them and now they are back to school. They just love to chat away what teachers they have and their favorite and not so subjects. Mammy stories are the ones i relate to most. I often get mistaken for not having children. The lines you wouldn't understand what its like to have children. As a mum of a 20 yr old son a daughter 15yrs and daughter who is 10 yrs old i do understand how hard it can be. onekinddeed
I get told i am to young to have a son that age but when all my friends were living i was having a baby. My
friends were in school and partying i was doing nappy changes and bottle feeds. They were staying up all night having the laugh. I was up all night trying to get his wind up trying to see the funny side crying myself . It was all worth it he is in college now and doing so well. I am proud of who is and who he has become. Just goes to show what you put in you get out. All my children are my inspiration and my reason for getting up every morning. I laugh everyday because of them. I never sit still but i wouldn't have it any other way.
Life is not always easy or the way we want it. But the people that we have in our lives make all the difference. You have choices in life. Sometimes we are forced to choose i can honestly say i have lived through choices i never wanted to make. onekinddeed
So as you do step out today think of how you make a difference to others and how they do the same to you.
The simple deeds make the world of a difference.