Monday 21 May 2012


She was one tough cookie
She danced until she dropped
Their jaws hit the floor
Their eyes nearly popped

She danced for all their pleasure
She wore them out with thrills
She took their mind away
From the life that gave them chills

Like a beauty of the night
Dancing until the morning light
All wanting her more
Standing around the dance floor

Like no one else was there
A beauty so rare
Others filled the room
Her scent of perfume

Men startled and flung back
Into the heat of the night
She did not notice
They fought the hungry fight

Each one wanting her
For themselves
As her bouncing locks of hair
Threw them off guard

She caught them watching her
Her decisions could be hard
So as the dance floor emptied
And bottled filled music shied away
She kept them wondering for another day

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