Monday, 21 May 2012

Out of Focus

Darkness fell on his lonely lost soul
He covered his shamed face
Away from this empty place
Silence and solace was all he knew

Wondering across the steel tracks
He tried to fight his demons
Not realising his reasons
As the metal held his feet tight
He was a on a mission on this night

Muscle torn body
His mind was miles away
He just was not feeling himself that day
Running away from all he knew
Not knowing what road to take no clue

As his eyes focused on the stead fast path
He opened up again his mind and his heart
He could now see the error of his ways
He no longer lived life
In darkness and a haze

His shadows of hurt
That once carried him
Were shrugged off now
He knew what was happening

Through no fault of his own
His mind wondered away
Now he felt good about himself
Not caged in dismay

His eyes were opened up by all before him
He wanted more than
The horror and self centering
Smiles were of those who befriended him


  1. This is such a wonderful poem!!! Thank you so much for sharing. : ) I'm now following your blog.
    All the best - Michael

  2. Thank you Michael for your wonderful and kind words. Your very welcome and thank you for following my blog.
