Saturday, 10 September 2011

Glad Rags

Mary lived with her mother and father , they lived a simple life .  She would get up early every morning to make sure they had the fire wood in and shoping to . She would clean and polish the house before she had to take herself off to her paid job . Mary had alot on her plate but dealth with it well as any one could . Her days were long and tiring but she smiled through the good times and the bad . The girls in the office were planning nights out while Mary listened to all the fun they were going ot have . No nights out for Mary , she would go home and do the normal cooking the dinner and cleaning up tiding up the garden which was her get away she had it so beautiful and pretty . While the girls where she worked were pampering themselves she was tending her garden she would wipe her face as the sweat would roll down along her face from all her hard work , this was her face mask . With tired hands and wary body she took herself in doors to clean the floors . The fire was lighting up lovely she sat with her mother and father and they would chat away to her . She showed such great interest in them . Dad turned to her and said as she tucked them both into bed , "thank you Mary your a child to be proud of ". Dont be silly you done the same for me didnt you well no need to thank me now have a good nights sleep father and mother and no need to thank me .
  The next morning Mary awoke from her sleep and done her usual activities of the day . She was siting at her desk typing away and the girls were there hanging around and chating away while she worked her little heart out . Gossip was their favourite topic , but Mary would never get involved as much as they tried to involve her . As she had more important things on her mind than this needless waste of time . Sure enough it was the weekend and Mary was just about to finish up her work when the doors burst open with the sound of laughter and face pulling . So ladies said their boss who is going to buy me a drink , how about you Mary teased her boss knowing quiet well she didnt entertain this kind of life style . Mary tried to mutter out and answer but her gentle words were not to be heard . The noise and laughter drowned out her every word . Well ladies lets go and make the most of the weekend drinks are on me . Mary said her boss "will you lock up like a good girl", "of course" she said  to polite to say what she should say .  So she locked up and stoped at the shops to go and get some food in and went on her way . As her tired feet hit the door she dragged herself in to the house and her happy faced parents were sitting there waiting to greet her and make her feel human again . Mary had something much more than this stage of a life in work she had a loving family waiting for her at home and didnt need the friday night lights to make her feel like something of worth . Mary said to herself, no money in the world can give me what i already have a loving family and life of peace .

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