Sunday, 29 December 2019


White lines covering the grey
Skies overhead smashing together
Gasping air
As he lay still
Not a breath
No one to care

Flashing blue
Tormented soul
Bringing dawn
Door unhinged
Memories on the floor

Canvass of red stained sleeves
Pale skin
Porcelain cheeks
Eyes still
Red lips peel

Fogged up memories
On stained air
His heart slows down now
Her beauty
Trapped in cabin flare

Burning silence
Branches crack
Life stood still
Red footsteps
The track

Friday, 27 December 2019


Dragging his shadow into the wilderness
 His thirst grew stronger and stronger.
 The veins of his arms filled up with her scent
  His tortured body aching with every move

 He turned to look at the house one last time
 The windows covered in memories
 What should have been minutes seemed to go on for ever?
The sleeve of his jacket covered in red stains

 What will I do?
 These thoughts filling his mind
 Walking past snow covered pine trees
 A happy occasion for most

 Silence biting through him
 His eyes widen with every move
 The sky so clear
 Blue crystals hanging on the trees reflecting his identity

 Masked by a hat and scarf wine and yellow lines patterned on them
 Crying nature roaring out to one another
 Messengers of the wild
 His heart felt the dagger

 Isolation brought sadness
 As he leaned against the road to freedom
Statues of that first day they met caught his eye
 A simple heart with each other’s initial captured within
 Caged by beauty

 Standing alone now
 No one to guide him on his journey
 A breath fell from his lips
 As the sirens passed by him
He lay in an unmarked grave
The red stained sleeves catching the light.   

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Tomorrow Land

If tomorrow never comes
If my breath ceases to exist
All that remains
Is raindrops and mist

If tomorrow is borrowed
We all live today
We all rush
Through corridors
Of columned form
This has become the norm

If tomorrow never comes
Where am I now
Am I in a chair
In the middle of a room
In the ground
Dusting flowered perfume

If tomorrow never comes
I will sing out those tunes
Rhythm of dancers
Jazz and blues

If tomorrow never comes
I have hope it certainly will
As my eyes close to a dream
Tomorrow is my thrill  

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Lost in Isolation

Let the ripper
Tear away my heart
Built in my chest
Deep in captivity

He forages for new blood
Wanting fresh for to fulfil
His thrill
Reaping is his pill

Along he drags
His shadow
Pulling it around
Nothing exists
Only the cries of an over populated crowd

As he tries to pull me
Deeper into his ways
I must follow him now
I must not betray
He expects me to stay

Prisoner in his shackles
Voices cause chaos
Roaring in his mind
Eyes never close
He may as well be blind

My Award

My mouth watering moments
Carefully moving each side
Pushing in the loose pieces
Nothing escapes

White blue printed willow
Scenery for your beauty
Flavoured moments

A stage
Applauding your arrival
Audience at the ready
A carnival of colour

As eyes close
Savouring each mouthful
Yellow custard
Apple teasing inside
Succulent pastry
Invites moments of silence


In he struts
Carrying his vegetation in his mouth
Happy dinosaur
Play along to the beat of your steps

Life is timed by landscape
Walk through passages
Those who stepped before you

As you handle
Every mouthful with care
Caught up
In the maze of escaping
The fire
Burning into the night sky

Tuesday, 8 October 2019


As the words flow
Sometimes easily
Sometimes hard
I often feel like stopping
Determination keeps
My fight going

Battling on
As music fills my ears
I love the sounds
That dampens the writer’s fears

Story half way there
Will she or won’t she
Will he or won’t he
Will he go there

Trapped in an imaginary
Where nothing is as
It seems
Perplexed by her actions

As the door opens up
Mid way
Desk awaits his
New journey
Her hair half way
Her finger
Silences his broken words

Half way there
No way back
Will he or won’t he
Will she take a chance  

Our Angel

Little did we know
We would be the last
To know
Your voice
We would never hear again
Your footsteps
Would never go

Our hearts are broken
We are devastated
Beyond repair
A mother
We love so dearly
Once you were there
Now you are gone
In the blink of an eye

We remember your
Smiling face
Your gentle kind words
Your heart was full of love
Our eyes were blind

Taking time for granted
Not knowing that call would come
I watched you slowly slip away
You fought and fought
You didn’t want to go

As I close my eyes
At night
Tears fall along my cheeks
I remember everything
We have done
You’re such an amazing beautiful mum

You’re absence is felt
But I feel my hair been brushed
I feel you beside me
As we die
We are reborn too

A month gone now
It is hard to believe
A mother so loving
So much to give to the world

As we lay flowers on your grave
We say a prayer to you
My stories will always exist
Because of you
A mother so loving so dear and beautiful  x


As daylight slowly
Glimmers away
Suffocated by the autumn
Waiting in the shadows

The early sun
We barely see here
Sets the alarm
In our minds

Birds waiting along
In a row
For the call
To retreat to safety
For a night of rest

Weather warnings
Bring fear and shut
Everything down
In a country not used
To such devastation

Clocks will be changing
Bringing less time
Of light

A sea of changing colour
Will form a pathway
Of foot printed

Inviting everyone
Young and old
To throw
Them about
With boot covered feet

Kettle on the boil
Warm pots on the cooker
Fires lighting
Cold breath
Breathing out smokeless breath


As the brush
Scrapes the paint
Devouring it up
Savouring the colour

Breathing in slowly
Changing forms
Gather along the edges
Of change

Wondrous views
Plummet into an image
Of viewing pupils
As they widen
By the scent
Printed on cold canvass

Edges are the real
Brushing in designed form
Wishing for perfection

As a drip falls
Eyes slowly watch it
Change the flooring underneath
Changing of colour
Like traffic lights

Alarm goes off
In the mind  
They are the enemy
My eyes are
Seeking a hiding place

Absent Heart

Absent was his heart
Dragged along an
Empty rain
Bashed window

Tears from his eyes
Fell lonely
On a stripped
Window sill

Heart in pieces
Hands held out
For her return

As his eyes
Stared into the unknown
Darkness brought
Fears of the future

A lonely
Road he
Would walk alone
His hand
Always held out

Thursday, 8 August 2019


As the clock strikes midnight
My eyes pain with tears
You’re music is all I have now
It eases my fears

Don’t let the dragon
Take control
Don’t let him in
He will consume
Every inch of me

Blue is my heart
Painted with loss
I must travel
These bridges
Where destiny
Wears a cross

Frightened by the nothing
The lifeless night
Blanket covered canvass
Take away
The darkened light

Music saves the hours
Darkness slowly drifts
Mood changes
No longer living in cages
Scattered amongst lost pages


Red are my knees
Cycling I thought
Was a breeze
No air on my back
Sun piercing my eyesight
Black crows delight

Hungry for my flesh
Waiting for my fall
He will surely eat me
I must not stall

Red juice falls
Off my bottom lip
I slowly wipe
It away
With my finger tip

Enough he shouts
Blows out a whistle
Peeking from the edges
Wild tin whistles

Where is the water
Where is the rain
To end this suffering

This enduring pain

Leaves that shimmer
Slug eaten edges
My transport not far way
I could run through
The hedges

Hide surely I won’t
Be seen
I am a clever
Irish Cailin

Snap he switches on
Eyes and feet latched forward
I chase the breeze
Waving goodbye
His face priceless

Goodbye strawberry fields
I won’t taste your fortune
Harvest you
Neither will I slave away
In sun scorched heat
Burning my soul away

White Sapphire

White Sapphire
Riding along the
Church gates
Audience waits

Blackened crusted iron
Dividing both you and him
Enter in my child
Into an eternal fling

Veil held tightly
Just in case you run
Runaway bride
Where will she hide

Heart throbbing
Out of control
Doors open up
Silencing the noise
He is in perfect poise

Quietly walking
Her fathers spirit
On her arm
Air softly brushes her
Her lucky charm

White bowed flowers
Tinted green stems
The triplets gathered together
Cackling like hens

White sapphire daughter
Spirit in tow
Allow happiness
Let yourself go

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Amazon woman

Wondrous woman
Red blue and gold
Stories printed in volumes
Waiting to be told

I watched on
Amazed by your resilience
You fought and fought
Even when you were caught

Paving a path forward
For every little girls dreams
Not to be a part of a nightmare
You distinguished their screams

Fighting against the enemy
Defending the weak
Wondrous woman
You left me speechless
Unable to speak

Wanting to defend those
Who have no voice
Give others options
Who often have no choice

Sexy voluptuous
Red winged print
Canvass of red on
Stained lips

Freedom amazon lady
Trailing along hungry
Forbidden men
You cannot be tamed  

Monday, 22 July 2019


The heat destroys your existence
It betrays your living cells
Suffocating them
Isolating them

Breathless emptiness
Scattered around
You're desire to live on
Is now mirrored
In a fight

You reach out
You yearn
You are willing
To sacrifice

Vultures of the unknown
Tie a loop around
You're throat
Dividing every inch
Of you're fight

Where are you're angels now
Are they near by
Are they allowing
Such cruelty to take place
In a forest of deserted

Wednesday, 10 July 2019


Legs laid out
Like lumps of meat
Body in a distilled state
No room no manoeuvring 

As the cold
Slab invites
The host
Centred for attention

The white coated figure
Walks around
For closer inspection
Nothing no complexion

Walking around and around
Echoing metal
Scraped the sides
Uncovering footsteps
Of unresolved mystery  

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Phased Praise

Comforting fortunes
Wrapped in arms of paper
Nonsense of bewildered words
Fallen down like lifeless birds

Sounds of silence
Bring his call
Do not destroy him
Do not be his wrecking ball

Allow the vines
That chokes his silent voice
Display his ruptured spine
Praise him he is divine

Paradise of imagery
Nothing only darkness falls
Laying on the tinted blades of grass
Memories blast from the past

Allow the vines
Laying on the tinted blades of grass
Displaying his ruptured spine
To succumb drifting skin

As he lays on territorial ground
His pulse race
His heart it pounds
Silent gentle whispers

Praise him he is divine
Lifting his darkness up
As his pulse race
All he has is time    

Friday, 28 June 2019

Watch Over Me

Left thrown out
Isolated all alone
No one to shelter
His worn out bones

Scavenging scraps
Thirst for the next puddle
No number on the door
No place
To call home

No letters to greet him
Only the letters of his name
No address to deliver them to
It seems no one is to blame

No job no hope
Fear on his back
Wondering what tomorrow
Will bring
His mind is weak
He is about to crack

No one stops to ask
What his story is
No one seems to have time
He watches on
Doesn’t seem to mind

What a waste
As his eyes fix on
A left over sandwich
He is about to salvage

Prayers they fall on deaf ears
As day turns into night
He slowly disappears
No one cares

Silent Whispers

As the breeze softly
Washes away our worries
Freeing up our time
Our minds have escaped
The cold

No more frozen paradise
Burnt orange smears
The skyline
As birds in flight
Freedom is a right

Tinted leaves
Shifting through the
Soft air
Walking passers by
Show they care

Tested them
Feeling them
A single kiss
Pressed against her cheek

She turns to smile
He returns a flower
In response
They are living a life
Building a house

Like a deck of cards
That slowly form together
Summer time happiness
Glorious weather

Mesmerising volumes
Of yellow seeded fields
Backdrop of green
An artist brush
Captures a scene

Strawberries touch
Thirsty lips
No calories on
These hips

Dusted pathways
Guide us home
Summer time
Is a wonderful rhyme

Wednesday, 26 June 2019


Laughing and lusting
Lips on fire
Cheeks red flushed
He has set the bar

Holding her in close
Shifting her movements
He holds her against
The brown shaving post

Voluptuous hips
Hair falling to the side
Catching her falling stares
He is captivated by
Her wild eyes

Hunger fills him up
Stirring the sweat in him
Arousing emotions
Mostly of sin

Sweating pulsating
Hearts beating like thunder
Exhausted by

Wild are the thoughts
Filling young souls
Energy flirting
Game changing goals

Dancing to a rhythm
His feet push closer in
Breath taken beauty
He knows the score

Dancing to a rhythm
Knowing he is captivated
Game changing goals
She wants more

Monday, 24 June 2019


Blades that cut through
A dessert storm
Shifting and collecting
Heated and warm

Pain it’s infliction
Rises the temperature
All that surrounds them
Is poverty
The poor

Isolated broken
Divided and torn
Born into disaster
This cannot be healed
By a plaster

Lips that are dry
From thirst
Water no where
Rain fall
Does anyone care

Eyes that mirror
Life’s hardship
Kneeling and praying
Through the despair
Does anyone care

Friday, 21 June 2019


When the lights dim
All those are around
You down the poison
Lay down your rules

Taken from those
Who are less fortunate
You divide the lining
Of their pockets

You come with a smile
You sin and sin
Pulling the brass bar
On and on you grin

Shackled worn out vessels
You fill their veins
Rushing of the poison
On and on it goes

Falling in deeper
No one notices
As the glasses are exposed

Twisting and turning
You yield
Your knife
Stealing from others
Taking their lives

Monday, 10 June 2019


Pulling up a chair
Noises gathering everywhere
Words trying to get them out
Singing out lines
No one stares
No one cares

Volumes of traffic
Pass by
Smiles exchanged
Along the way

She doesn’t understand
She grabs the mike
She turns up the heat
She belts out a song

Capturing an overcrowded room
Sharing her talents
They are stunned
Silencing the clinking glasses
Piled high

Can you hear a pin drop?
No not i
Not a single word spoken
Fragile heart
Don’t be shy
Applauding her appearance
She silenced the crowd
Sharing her words
Making them proud


When my tears have falling
When my life has stood still
Where are you now
Where is my happy pill?

You said that you would be
There forever
That you would never love another
All the lies you told
Now I’m lifeless
I am still
No one here to hold

Catch me if I fall
Catch the tears from my eyes
Catch my wondering heart
Release me
Don’t tear me apart

Options you took them
You ran away
Taking what was not yours
Dividing up my days
Leaving me in shattered pieces
You’re not a man

Catch me if I fall
Catch the tears from my eyes
Catch my wondering heart
Release me
Don’t tear me apart


Whisking hands
Dangerous smiles
Eyes latched on
Mouth-watering surprise

Engrossed in mirrored eyes
Catching a glimpse of
Smouldering words
Falling deeper now
Wondering where and how

Contemplating outcomes
Who knows?
What comes next?
Brief encounters
Sometimes are the best

Tie him up
Hold him down
Shake his personality
Whisk him briefly
Steal him
Be greedy

Holding back
Withdraw from the scene
Brush him down again
Craving more
Emotionless floor

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Blue Sapphire

Drowning in blue sapphire
Pulping at the darkened pill
Sucking in every drop
Chasing down the next thrill

Whiskey on dampened shoes
Singing out summer tunes
Playing the blues

Pulling on strings
Breaking one by one
Existing to exist
Longing to belong

Falling in deeper now
Fortunes thrown away
The knife yields
Yet another life

Reflection of moon lit sky
Wondering why he must stay
Why he
Must not die

Given up
Caving in
Drowning in blue sapphire
Collecting corpses
Along the way